방금 거의 1시간에 걸쳐 즐겨찾기에 추가해논 사이트를 순방하고 돌아왔다.
그냥 흘끔 들러보고 말아버린 사이트도 있고, 게시글들 하나 하나를 읽어보면서 공감하고, 스크렙해야지 하는글도 있다.
흠.. 나의 고민들을 그대로 현실로 반영해 놓은분들도 보이고, 개발자로서 참 배울만하다는 분도 보인다...
나도, 나의 직업에서 점점 뚜렷해 져야 할텐데.. 고민해 본다.
One of two SoftwareDevelopmentAttitudes.The enabling attitude takes the view that developers are responsible professionals and so should be given the freedom to do whatever they need to do. Designs that follow this attitude should make things easy to use well but should assume that developers know what they are doing and thus not try hard to prevent something being used badly. As such these tools can be misused, but take the attitude that users should know better, and if they don't they deserve all they get.
People with a DirectingAttitude criticize this elitist attitude by saying it can only be used by the upper quartile of software developers. As such they just aren't practical for the general bell curve of software developers.
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