화요일, 8월 05, 2008


GEF3D라는 넘이 나왔단다.

GEF3D라 음..

http://mea-bloga.blogspot.com/2008/07/gef3d.html 올라왔다.

음.. 2D GEF가 3D로 바뀐다라... 어떤 모습일지.. 사뭇 궁금한데요.
Chris Aniszczyk가 알려준 사이트에 들어가 보려고해도 들어가지지도 않고..
어떻게 바꼇는지 구경하고싶은데..

Eclipse Zone에는 다음과 같은 글이 이미 떠 있네요.
Gef3D goes public, or: GEF goes 3D
At 7:31 AM on Jul 16, 2008, Jens v.P. wrote:
Hi all,

I'm proud to announce the first public release of Gef3D:

Gef3D is an Eclipse GEF extension bringing 3D to diagram editing. That
is with Gef3D you can create 3D diagrams, 2D diagrams and combine 3D
with 2D diagrams. It is made public under the Eclipse Public License.
Gef3D extends GEF by providing 3D enabled draw and controller classes.
Instead of drawing 2D figures, you can now draw 3D figures. Existing
GEF-based 2D editors can be embedded into 3D editors with minimal
effort. This is achieved by projecting the output of the embedded
editors onto 3D planes and bridging the gap between 2D and 3D content:
3D objects can transparently access 2D content and vice versa.
Additionally, multi-diagram editors can be created by combining several
single diagram editors. For example multiple 2D diagrams can be
displayed and edited simultaneously on different planes and 3D elements
can be used to display inter-model connections. Fully 3D graph based
editors can be implemented with little or no knowledge of 3D
programming since the framework is used exactly the same way as the
original 2D framework. All 3D related problems are hidden from the
programmer (more or less ). [description copied from

As the version number 0.8 indicates, not everything is working at this
time. A feature list as well as current limitations, screenshots (and
screencasts) and other information can be found at Gef3D's website:

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