금요일, 9월 21, 2007

eclipse 3.3에서 ve사용

이제 wtp가 있는 eclipse와 충돌 문제가 해결(?)되었나보다. 나름 반가운 소식인데..
나만 반가운건지도 모르겟네요. ㅋㅋ

here you can find zip-files of my working visual editor for eclipse 3.3.
These files are non official builds. So you use it on your own risk.

2007-09-03: these are new files: ChooseBeanDialog (tested with jfc) should be working - could not test on all Platfroms, jem is not included - so you should install the latest WTP
link: ve_eclipse_33_v200709032215_lin_mac.zip
link: ve_eclipse_33_v200709032215_win.zip
link: ve_src_33_v200709032215.zip

and here are the patches:
link: CDMFactoryImpl.txt
link: ChooseBeanSelector.txt
link: all_patches_ve.txt

2007-07-16: all files are updated and packaged with source, for information look in the newsgroup eclipse.tools.ve

link: ve_eclipse_33_lin_macosx.zip
link: ve_eclipse_33_win32.zip

원본 url: http://www.ehecht.com/eclipse_ve/ve.html

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